By The Side
Buying a side of beef is a commitment but one that makes sense for a lot of people. We’ve been selling beef by the whole, half, and quarter for almost 20 years and we aim to make the process as easy as possible.
Freezer space

Yes. You will want a dedicated freezer for a side of beef. A 12 cubic foot freezer will be a great investment for your family. You’ll be able to fit the beef as well as some other great local proteins. As you will read below, you will be dealing with approximately 200 pounds of meat. For reference, 200 pounds of meat is about the size of your average husband. Could you cut up your husband into 1-4 pounds packages and fit him in that freezer space? If not, you will need a bigger freezer. It need not be as large as the one in which Lucy Ricardo got trapped.
What’s this going to cost me?
We charge $4.75/lb for the hanging weight plus processing paid to the butcher when you pick up your meat. The hanging weight is the full weight of the side before it is cut to your specifications. Our sides average 275 pounds. Of course there is variance, but on average, the math is $4.75 x 275 = $1,306.25. Butcher costs are a fee per animal plus per pound cutting and wrapping costs which can vary based on your specifications but generally amounts to $200-$250. The processor is Horst Meats in Hagerstown MD. They are just about a mile off I-81 in Hagerstown. About an hours drive from Purcellville with a back way so you don’t have to do a lot of driving on the Interstate if you don’t want to.
Is OG Beef grass-fed?
Great question. It depends on what you mean by that. We use grain with corn and soy products for manipulation purposes but do not heavily grain our animals. Bucket-training cows is handy with a small operation. When we need to move them from one pasture to another or when they need to be worked for any reason, feed is a critical part of that. So they are not purely grass fed. They have some grain through their lives and depending on the animal and the time of year they may get finished on grain for a couple months. In general, however, OG Beef is a lean, tasty beef.
Horst Meats in Hagerstown, Maryland